June 14, 2023


Roman's Wraps provide comfort to those facing unimaginable loss

In the midst of heartbreak and loss, there are often glimmers of hope that emerge to provide comfort. One such beacon of hope is the generous donation of Roman’s Wraps to our hospital. The unique wraps, born out of personal tragedy, seek to extend the invaluable moments families have with their babies who are no longer with them. To learn more about the story behind Roman’s Wraps and the profound impact they can have on a grieving family, continue reading below.

A Heartbreaking Loss:

On November 30, 2022, the Woodward family experienced an unimaginable tragedy – the stillbirth of their precious baby boy, Roman Brooks Woodward. Roman’s arrival was accompanied by a placenta abruption, shattering the dreams and hopes that his parents, extended family, and friends had nurtured.

The Dilemma Faced:

In the face of such an immense loss, the Woodwards were provided with a CuddleCot—a device that assists in preserving the body of a deceased infant, allowing families to spend more time with their baby. However, the Woodwards soon realized that the CuddleCot did not extend to the moments when they held Roman in their arms, which were filled with a mix of love, grief, and longing. The constant need to return Roman to the CuddleCot disrupted the already fragile farewell process, leaving the family yearning for a solution.

The Birth of Roman’s Wrap:

It was in the midst of their grief and determination to honor Roman's memory that Janet Woodward, Roman’s Grandma, conceived the idea of Roman's Wrap. This innovative and compassionate creation was designed to address the heart-wrenching predicament faced by families like theirs. Roman's Wrap is a soft and comforting blanket with a unique inner lining that includes a pocket to hold a flexible ice pack – allowing the baby to be held comfortably and yet be preserved longer. These wraps afford grieving families the invaluable gift of time, offering solace during the darkest of times.

A Generous Donation:

With a profound desire to support other families experiencing the loss of a child, the Woodward family has decided to donate Roman's Wraps to BRMH. This thoughtful act aims to provide solace and a lasting memory for grieving families within the hospital's care. The wraps come in two sizes, approximately 30 x 30 inches square for full-term babies and 20 x 20 inches square for premature babies. The Woodwards have generously offered to cover the cost of the wraps, leaving only the expense of the custom-fit ice packs to the hospital.

The donation of Roman’s Wraps to BRMH represents an extraordinary act of compassion and empathy from the Woodward family. Through their personal tragedy, they have transformed their grief into a gift for others, providing comfort and extended moments of farewell during the most difficult times. These wraps will have a remarkable impact on our patients and their families as, and for that, we are honored to receive this meaningful donation.

Black River Memorial Hospital is fortunate to offer patients experiencing the loss of their newborn child the use of a CuddleCot, a CuddleBlanket, and now a Roman’s Wrap.


About the author: BRMH

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