April 11, 2023


Four Simple Steps to Clean Up Your Eating Habits

Spring brings the motivation to dust off your walking shoes and get back into a healthier routine. Why not do the same with your eating habits? Check out this list, provided by our clinical dietitian, Wendy Backaus, of fun options individuals and families can utilize to help jumpstart healthy eating habits as the temperatures continue to rise here in Jackson County!

Organize your kitchen: Arrange nutritious foods to take over key spaces in your fridge or pantry, where you can see them! Organize additional food options, checking labels and expiration dates. This offers the opportunity to clean up or refresh the space for continuous use. Who doesn’t like a clean kitchen?

Utilize more fresh, whole food items: One of the best things you can do when cleaning up your diet, is including more whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. These foods are typically lower in calories and offer so many wonderful essential nutrients our body needs to perform at 100%. Not to mention, the fiber-rich benefits you will be getting from those seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Cook at home using local, fresh food options: Spring is a great time to try a new, healthy recipe! The USDA’s SNAP-Ed webpage offers seasonal produce lists with recipes you and your family can try at home. The guide provided can help you explore different fruits and veggies, with ways to make every bite count! Not to mention, this is a great way to support your local famers and use cost-effective options available in your community. Looking for ways to get your kids involved? Try EatRight.org, an additional website which offers child friendly recipes and snacks.

Hydrate: If you are looking to get more physical activity in, hydration should be something that you keep in mind. Stay on top of your hydration by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, ideally eight or more cups! Effective hydration keeps you healthy by boosting your immune system and restoring nutrients quicker. If water just isn’t your thing, switch it up by trying unsweetened teas or fruit/herb infused water, easily prepared at home. Steer clear from the Kool-Aid, juices, sodas and other heavily sweetened beverages as these can do more harm than good.

Seasonal produce lists, along with recipe ideas can be found at https://snaped.fns.usda.gov/resources/nutrition-education-materials. Interested in getting the kids involved? Check out eatright.org.

About the author: BRMH

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